Principal's Message



Welcome back for the 2024-25 school year!  If you are new to our community, we look forward to collaborating with you!  Last year was amazing with all of the parent, family and student connections that we were able to build through our PTC and through our extension of our Associated Student Body.


If you are interested in joining us to either plan or set up for community events, please reach out. Our Fall Carnival, Bingo Nights, Barbeques and other fun family events are already on the calendar for next year. As are many of our fundraising opportunities that support our students. We would love to have any assistance with these events!


I look forward to us taking additional opportunities this year to continue growing as a learning community and strengthen our ties with both our families and the community at large.  I am optimistic that we will become more responsive to student and family needs, and that we will continue building towards a better future for our learning community.


We will have multiple interventions in place to support students with learning deficits- and continue to encourage our more advanced learners to make even more progress than before.  Our new ELD initiative going into this school year promises to promote more fairness and encourage our English Language Learners to reach proficiency faster, and more efficiently than before.

Clubs and club supports should be expanding this year.  If your child is a third, fourth or fifth grader, they may apply to be club leads in September, or ask to join both teacher and student led clubs in the month of October as we begin the process of increasing student leadership and expand ASBs opportunities for student interests to blossom on campus in a safe environment.


We have noticed a need for additional supports for students for their social and emotional well-being.  We will continue support for students through counseling services and add additional layers of support for improving mental health and well-being across the school. 


I will be sending out multiple surveys to ask parents for input on how to make our school a more inviting and productive learning environment.  Coffee with the Principal will also be a good place to speak with me and other likeminded folks about your concerns, suggestions, so please be on the lookout for them throughout the year.


I hope all of you will be pleased with these upcoming changes.  As always, if you would like to meet with I please make an appointment with our fabulous school secretaries by calling (209) 667-1660.  I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing your children back on campus in the fall of 2024!



Mr. Murray